
How do you assess the effectiveness of a child’s learning? Aside from the usual pen and pencil assessment methods, our school has developed diversified modes of assessments for our P1 and P2 students. The teaching team designed over 20 subject-wide assessment stations. The assessment styles are unique, which includes communication, situational tasks, important life skills, listening and electronic assessments, etc.
During the two days of October 29 and October 30, children arrived at the hall with their assessment cards that were designed to replicate game tickets and they completed each assessment through the style of game activities.
Both the teachers and students learnt a lot from this experience. The participating teachers had the opportunity to assess the P1 and P2 students on a one to one basis and were able to understand each student’s learning progress in different areas. Students were also able to showcase their learning knowledge and skills through a variety of assessment methods.
We need to especially thank the parent volunteers for their time and endless effort. During the assessment, the parent volunteers not only assisted the teachers to finish their assessments, but they also became “Assessment Leaders” and arranged for the students to complete their tasks at different stations. With their assistance, the students were able to flawlessly complete their tasks. We can’t thank the parents enough for their effort!

Through this unique way of assessment, we believe it helped us understand better the students’ learning progress and it proved that there is more than one way to assess the effects of learning and teaching.


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